

Function that returns True when an experiment matches and False otherwise.

experiment (Experiment): Experiment that is to be tested.
doc_definitions.scoring_function(self, model, y_true, y_predicted_probability)

The scoring function takes a model, the true labels and the prediction and calculates one or more scores. These are returned in a dictionary which calc_results() uses to commit them to permanent storage.

scoring_function (function()):
A python function for calculating the results given the true labels and the predictions. See scoring_function().
skf (numpy.ndarray):
An array containing arrays of splits. E.g. an array with 10 arrays, each containing 3 splits for a 10-fold cross-validation with training, test and validation set.
df (pandas.DataFrame):
The DataFrame on which to evaluate the model. Must contain all feature, “extra” feature and target columns that the model requires.